IFS Practice Groups

If you have completed a L1 training and want more practice and more ease at using the protocol with clients or have attended an introductory workshop and know the method, but would like more experience in preparation for your L1 training I invite you to take part in a Practice Group.  

I propose Practice Sessions organised like during L1 training with 3 participants and a trainer giving instant coaching.

3 participants rotate in the role of therapist, client and observer. 

  • The therapist is leading the process and giving a sign of time out to stop the process when they feel blended, or have any doubt regarding the next step and want support.
  • The client is offering his parts.
  • The observer is noting the steps of the process, mapping parts, and offering help in unbending any time the therapist calls for support.

The 120 min sessions will be split into 60 minutes of process work and 30 minutes for feedback and processing and 30 minutes for questions and answers. 

Please note the sessions are focused on honing the skills of the therapist, identifying therapist parts, using the Fire Drill to unblend, and getting skilled at using the IFS protocol, not on healing.

All 3 roles give important insights. Please be prepared for the session to be interrupted with “instant coaching”. Coaching is given both via chat and voice depending on the preference of the group, and the flow of the process. The absolute priority is safety. 

A 4th session may be dedicated to role-playing most triggering clients or tor-montors and identifying the triggers and trailheads to work on individually.

The sessions take place every other week.

For more information contact me using the contact form >>
+48 606 648 325